Bay Area Bed Bug

Thermal treatment

How much heat does it take to kill bed bugs?

Bed bugs are a persistent problem in many households, as they are difficult to control and have developed resistance to conventional insecticides. However, there is a powerful and effective solution: heat treatment. Heat has been proven to be lethal to bed bugs, including their eggs, making it an ideal method for pest control.

Thermal treatment involves raising the temperature of infested areas to a level that is lethal to bed bugs. This can be achieved using various methods such as steam, hot dryers, and professional heating systems. Not only is heat treatment non-toxic, but it also offers the advantage of killing bed bug eggs, which are notoriously difficult to eradicate using other methods.

So, what temperature is needed to exterminate these pests? Studies have found that a temperature of 113°F (45°C) sustained for 90 minutes or 118°F (48°C) for 20 minutes is sufficient to kill bed bugs at all stages of their lifecycle. This means that a carefully controlled heat treatment can effectively eliminate an infestation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Heat treatment is a non-toxic and effective method for exterminating bed bugs.
  • The lethal temperature for bed bugs is 113°F (45°C) for 90 minutes or 118°F (48°C) for 20 minutes.
  • Thermal treatment can kill bed bug eggs, which are notoriously difficult to eliminate.
  • Heat can be applied using steam, hot dryers, or professional heating systems.
  • Heat treatments may need to be combined with other methods for complete control of an infestation.

Using Heat to Kill Bed Bugs

Heat treatments have proven to be highly effective in eliminating bed bug infestations. Various methods, such as steam, hot dryers, and professional heating systems, can be utilized to apply heat and eradicate bed bugs. Let’s explore how these heat treatments work:

Steam Treatment

Steam is a powerful tool for targeting and eliminating bed bugs in hard-to-reach areas. By directing steam into carpets, behind baseboards, and on upholstered furniture, you can effectively kill bed bugs and their eggs.

Hot Dryers and Portable Heat Chambers

Household items infested with bed bugs, such as clothes, bedding, and toys, can be treated using hot dryers and portable heat chambers. Placing these items in a heated dryer or using a portable heat chamber can effectively eliminate bed bugs and their eggs.

Professional Heating Systems

For larger infestations or entire rooms and structures, professional heating systems are used. These systems generate and distribute heat throughout the targeted area, ensuring all bed bugs, including their eggs, are subjected to lethal temperatures.

Heat treatment is advantageous because it is non-toxic and can eliminate bed bugs at all life stages, including their eggs. With the ability to penetrate cracks and crevices, heat treatment provides comprehensive coverage, ensuring the complete eradication of bed bugs.

However, it is important to note that heat treatments can be relatively expensive and do not have long-lasting residual activity. To achieve complete control of bed bugs, heat treatments may need to be combined with other methods.

bed bug eggs

Treating Infested Items

When dealing with a bed bug infestation, it’s essential to address not only the rooms but also the items that may be harboring these pests. Here are some effective methods for treating infested items:

Clothes Dryer

The household clothes dryer can be a valuable tool in eradicating bed bugs from various items such as toys, clothes, shoes, and bedding. By using a high heat setting on a loosely filled dryer, you can eliminate all bed bug life stages and eggs in just 30 minutes. This method is efficient, convenient, and doesn’t require the use of any chemicals. Simply toss your infested items into the dryer and let the heat do its work.

Portable Heating Devices – PackTite

For infested items like backpacks, clothing, and tools that can’t be placed in a standard clothes dryer, portable heating devices like the PackTite offer an effective solution. The PackTite is a collapsible duffle bag equipped with an interior heater that can reach temperatures above 120°F. This device ensures thorough heat treatment without risking damage to your belongings. By safely heating the infested items to the lethal temperature for bed bugs, you can eliminate the entire infestation.

Treating Infested Rooms

While targeting and treating individual items is crucial, it’s equally important to treat the infested rooms themselves. Professional steamers are excellent tools for this purpose, capable of penetrating deep into mattresses, box springs, upholstered furniture, and baseboards. By using steam, you can effectively kill bed bugs and their eggs without resorting to chemicals or toxins. This method is safe, environmentally friendly, and can provide a thorough treatment for the entire room.

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Clothes Dryer Convenient and efficient; eliminates all bed bug life stages and eggs; no chemicals needed Some items may not be suitable for the dryer; limited capacity
Portable Heating DevicesPackTite Safe for various infested items; reaches high temperatures; collapsible and portable Limited space for larger items; requires monitoring and patience
Treating Infested Rooms with Steam Non-toxic method; reaches deep into furniture and hidden areas; environmentally friendly Requires professional-grade steamers; may require multiple treatments for severe infestations

DIY Heat Chamber

Looking for an effective way to treat your household items and furniture for bed bugs? The University of Florida has come up with a solution – a DIY heat chamber made of Polystyrene foam. This innovative heat chamber is designed to hold all your infested items while the perimeter of the room is treated with conventional insecticides.

The University of Florida’s heat chamber is not only economical but also easy to assemble, making it a popular choice for hotel rooms and homes alike. By using this heat chamber, you can ensure that your infested items are exposed to the lethal temperature required to kill bed bugs.

However, it’s important to note that the DIY heat chamber is just one part of an effective bed bug treatment plan. To successfully eliminate a bed bug infestation, it is crucial to also treat the room with insecticides and take necessary precautions to reach the bed bugs’ lethal temperature.

Benefits of the DIY Heat Chamber:

  • Economical and easy to assemble
  • Effective for treating a wide range of infested items
  • Can be used in hotel rooms and homes

How to Use the DIY Heat Chamber:

  1. Assemble the heat chamber using the provided instructions
  2. Place all infested items inside the chamber
  3. Treat the perimeter of the room with conventional insecticides
  4. Monitor the temperature inside the chamber to ensure it reaches the bed bugs’ lethal temperature
  5. Leave the infested items in the chamber for the recommended duration
  6. Remove the items from the chamber and follow proper disposal methods for any deceased bed bugs
Pros Cons
Cost-effective Room still needs to be treated with insecticides
Easy to assemble Dependent on reaching the bed bugs’ lethal temperature
Can treat a wide range of infested items

Whole Room Heating Systems

When it comes to superheating infested rooms to eliminate bed bugs, whole room heating systems offer an effective solution. Two notable systems in this field are ThermaPureHeat and Temp-Air Heat Remediation System.

These advanced technologies utilize electric heaters or propane-generated heat to raise the room temperature to approximately 135°F. The entire heating process is monitored remotely, ensuring precise control over the temperature.

Once the thermal death point of 113°F is reached, the heating process continues for 60 minutes. This prolonged exposure ensures the complete eradication of all bed bugs and their eggs. The high temperatures effectively kill the bed bugs at all life stages, ensuring optimal pest control.

One of the main advantages of these whole room heating systems is that they do not require residents to remove or bag their belongings. This eliminates the hassle of relocating personal items, saving time and effort.

Furthermore, these systems can effectively eradicate most infestations in a single treatment, making them highly efficient and reliable. With their ability to penetrate deep into cracks and crevices, whole room heating systems provide thorough remediation.

However, it is important to note that these systems can be time-consuming and expensive. The technology involved in heating an entire room to the required temperature requires a substantial investment. Additionally, not all pest management companies have adopted these advanced heating systems, so availability may vary.


  • Efficient eradication of bed bugs at all life stages
  • No need to remove or bag belongings
  • Single treatment can often eliminate most infestations


  • Time-consuming and expensive
  • Availability may vary

ThermaPureHeat and Temp-Air Heat Remediation System offer whole room heating solutions that effectively eliminate bed bugs. These advanced technologies provide efficient and thorough pest control, saving residents from the hassle of relocating their belongings.

Temperature and Bed Bug Mortality

When it comes to eradicating bed bugs, temperature plays a crucial role in achieving effective results. By understanding the right temperatures and exposure time required, you can ensure that all areas are properly treated, leading to the complete elimination of these pests.

Bed bug eggs, which are known to be resilient, require exposure to a temperature of 113°F for 60 minutes to achieve 100% mortality. This ensures that not a single bed bug egg survives the treatment.

Young bed bugs and adult bed bugs, on the other hand, can be eliminated by subjecting them to temperatures of 113°F for 15 minutes or more. However, for a more efficient approach, a temperature of 118°F for 20 minutes is recommended, as it guarantees the eradication of all life stages of bed bugs.

In heat treatments, the use of powerful fans can create convection currents that rapidly heat the affected areas. These currents improve the effectiveness of the treatment by ensuring that the temperatures reach all corners where bed bugs may be hiding.

It’s important to note that prolonging the duration of heat treatments is essential in maximizing the efficacy. This way, you can be certain that every nook and cranny is exposed to the lethal temperatures, leaving no chance for survival.

In summary, exposing bed bugs, their eggs, and their nymphs to temperatures of 113°F or higher for the recommended durations ensures their complete eradication. Utilizing convection currents generated by powerful fans adds an extra layer of efficiency to the treatment, guaranteeing the elimination of all bed bugs in the treated area.

Temperatures and Exposure Time for Bed Bug Mortality

Bed Bug Stage Temperature Exposure Time
Bed Bug Eggs 113°F 60 minutes
Young Bed Bugs 113°F 15 minutes or more
Adult Bed Bugs 113°F 15 minutes or more
Adult Bed Bugs 118°F 20 minutes

Freezing Bed Bugs

When dealing with a bed bug infestation, it’s important to explore different methods of eradication. One commonly considered option is freezing. While freezing can be effective in killing bed bugs, it has its limitations.

To utilize freezing as a treatment method, you can place infested items such as bedding or pillows in a sealed plastic bag and expose them to zero degrees Fahrenheit for approximately four days. This extended exposure to freezing temperatures can lead to the death of bed bugs.

However, it’s important to note that freezing a whole room or an entire home to the necessary temperature is not practical. The process of freezing takes longer compared to other methods, and it may not be able to reach all the areas where bed bugs may be hiding.

The Limitations of Freezing

While freezing can be an effective method to kill bed bugs on infested items, it has some drawbacks:

  1. Time-consuming: Freezing infested items can take several days or even up to a week to effectively kill all bed bugs.
  2. Incomplete coverage: Freezing may not be able to reach all areas of infestation, especially hidden spots where bed bugs can take shelter.
  3. Not suitable for whole-room treatment: Freezing an entire room or home to the necessary temperature is not practical due to the time and equipment required.

As a result of these limitations, freezing is not as widely used or recommended as heat treatment for bed bug infestations. Heat treatment offers a more comprehensive and efficient solution for eradicating bed bugs throughout an entire space.

To better understand the differences between freezing and heat treatment, refer to the table below:

Factors Freezing Heat Treatment
Effectiveness Can kill bed bugs, but may not reach all areas Highly effective, kills bed bugs in all life stages and reaches difficult-to-access areas
Speed Takes several days or up to a week Significantly faster, typically completed in a single day
Practicality Suitable for small, infested items Applicable to both small and large spaces, including entire rooms or buildings
Comprehensive solution Limited coverage, may require additional treatments Complete eradication, addresses all areas of infestation
Professional intervention Can be performed by individuals Requires professional expertise and specialized equipment

As seen in the table, heat treatment provides a more efficient and comprehensive solution for bed bug infestations compared to freezing. However, if freezing is your preferred method or the only available option, ensure that you cover all necessary precautions and thoroughly treat the infested items.

Safety Considerations

When it comes to using extreme temperatures for bed bug treatments, safety should always be a top priority. Whether you’re considering heat treatment or freezing methods, it’s important to take precautions to ensure the well-being of yourself and others.

DIY Heat and Cold Treatments

While DIY heat or cold treatments can be effective for smaller infestations or specific items, they may not be practical for larger infestations or items that are not safe in extreme conditions. It’s important to consider the size and scale of your infestation before attempting DIY treatments.

If you’re considering heat treatment, make sure you have the necessary equipment and knowledge to safely apply heat without causing harm to yourself, others, or your property. Heat treatments can involve high temperatures and may require expert monitoring to ensure proper distribution and safety.

Similarly, freezing infested items can be an option for smaller objects like bedding or pillows. However, attempting to freeze an entire room or home to the necessary temperature is not practical or effective.

Special Equipment and Expert Monitoring

If you’re considering alternative methods like frozen carbon dioxide sprays or heat distribution systems, it’s important to note that these require special equipment and expert monitoring. These methods are typically used by professional pest management companies who are trained in their proper application and can ensure safety throughout the process.

Consult a Professional Pest Management Company

For the best and safest bed bug solution, it’s recommended to consult a professional pest management company like Orkin. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and resources to effectively treat bed bug infestations while prioritizing safety.

By enlisting the help of professionals, you can ensure that your bed bug problem is addressed with the utmost care, minimizing any potential risks or hazards associated with extreme temperature treatments.

Pros of Professional Bed Bug Treatment Cons of DIY Temperature Treatments
  • Expert knowledge and experience
  • Access to specialized equipment
  • Proper safety measures
  • Comprehensive treatment solutions
  • Minimized risk of property damage
  • Limited efficacy for larger infestations
  • Risks associated with improper application
  • Potential harm to individuals or property
  • Difficulty ensuring consistent temperature throughout

Remember, when it comes to bed bug treatments, safety should always come first. By consulting a professional pest management company, you can rest assured knowing that your bed bug problem will be handled with expertise and care.


Thermal treatment using heat has proven to be an effective method for eliminating bed bug infestations. Heat treatments can kill bed bugs at all life stages, including their eggs, making it a comprehensive pest control solution. Unlike chemical insecticides, heat treatment is non-toxic, making it a safe option for both humans and pets.

Proper application of heat treatments is crucial to ensure all areas are treated and all bed bugs are killed. It is recommended to consult a professional pest management company with experience in thermal treatment for bed bugs. These experts have the knowledge and specialized equipment to effectively and efficiently heat treat infested areas, minimizing the risk of reinfestation.

While freezing can also be used to kill bed bugs on infested items, it is not as practical or effective as heat treatment. Freezing requires maintaining a temperature of zero degrees Fahrenheit for several days, which may not be achievable for large infested items or house-wide infestations. Additionally, freezing cannot reach all areas where bed bugs may be hiding, making it less reliable than heat treatment.

When using extreme temperatures for bed bug control, safety should always be a priority. DIY heat or cold treatments are not recommended for extensive infestations or infested items that are not safe in extreme conditions. For a comprehensive and effective bed bug treatment, it is best to consult a professional pest management company that specializes in thermal treatment.


How much heat does it take to kill bed bugs?

Bed bugs can be killed at a temperature of 113°F for 90 minutes or 118°F for 20 minutes.

How does heat treatment work to kill bed bugs?

Heat treatments using methods like steam, hot dryers, and professional heating systems can effectively kill bed bugs at all life stages, including their eggs.

What are the options for treating infested items?

The household clothes dryer and portable heating devices like the PackTite can be used to treat infested items such as clothes, bedding, and household items.

Are there specific methods for treating infested rooms?

Professional steamers can target infested areas like mattresses, box springs, furniture, and baseboards to treat infested rooms.

Is there a DIY heat chamber for bed bug treatment?

Yes, the University of Florida has developed a heat chamber made of Polystyrene foam that can be used to treat infested items and furniture.

Are there whole room heating systems available for bed bug treatment?

Yes, systems like ThermaPureHeat and Temp-Air Heat Remediation System can superheat infested rooms to kill bed bugs.

What temperatures are necessary to achieve bed bug mortality?

Bed bug eggs require exposure to a temperature of 113°F for 60 minutes, while young and adult bed bugs can die at temperatures of 113°F for 15 minutes or 118°F for 20 minutes.

Can freezing be used to kill bed bugs?

Freezing infested items in a sealed plastic bag at zero degrees Fahrenheit for about four days can kill bed bugs, but freezing a room or home is not practical.

What safety considerations should be taken into account when using heat for bed bug treatments?

Safety is important when using extreme temperatures for bed bug control. DIY heat or cold treatments are not practical for large-scale infestations or items that are not safe in extreme conditions. Consult a professional pest management company for the best bed bug solution.

Are heat treatments effective for bed bug control?

Thermal treatment using heat has proven to be an effective method for eliminating bed bug infestations, but it is important to properly apply heat treatments to ensure all areas are treated and all bed bugs are killed.

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